Vaping To Not Be Equated With Smoking

Since the coming out of e-cigarettes and vaping more and more people have quit smoking to jump on the bandwagon. E-Cigarettes and personal vaporizers have been on the rise in the past two years and most of the feedback is positive. There are some people who can’t help themselves when it comes to quitting cigarettes and there are some that have tried vaping to quit smoking, they either say they don’t like it or it just wasn’t for them.

However, e-cigarettes are known to be the cure for the nasty cigarette habit, but there are many people who are equating vaping with traditional tobacco cigarettes.

E-cigarettes and personal vaporizers are not tobacco, they have nicotine, which is a derivative from the tobacco plant and just as addictive, but a completely different substance especially in the way that it is used. With E-cigarettes and personal vaporizers there is no combustion, but with traditional tobacco cigarettes there is always a combustion, which makes just one of the many differences.

With e-liquid that is used to put in to the personal vaporizers and the e-cigarettes there are only four ingredients and all of those ingredients are FDA approved. Traditional cigarettes have over four thousand chemicals combined just in to one of many that people are smoking everyday. Those chemicals are more harmful to the body than the four ingredients that are used in e-cigarettes.

We should be encouraging e-cigarettes and personal vaporizers as well as the people who choose to use them instead of traditional cigarettes. It’s a terrible thing to do to someone who is trying to better themselves just to knock them down.

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