Is There Marijuana In E-Cigarettes?

By: Krista Hoffmaster

It’s as of lately that more and more people are under the influence that since someone has an E-Cigarette or a Vaporizer pen they are automatically smoking marijuana.

Somehow among this mix between E-cigs and Vaporizers marijuana was a common subject. That is not the case however when you see most people with an E-cigarette or a Vaporizer pen they are most likely using nicotine. Now there may be people who, in such cases, use a Vaporizer pen to smoke marijuana. However, Vapor Awareness does not advocate this use that can be associated with the use of a personal Vaporizer or an Electronic Cigarette.

E-cigarettes and Vaporizer pens, which use E-liquid, are now more commonly used for reasons such as quitting smoking or just being healthier. Even if a person does not smoke, he or she might pick up Vaping without the nicotine just for a fun hobby. In recent studies, Scientists have proven that the use of a Vaporizer pen with E-liquid or an Electronic Cigarette is the equivalent to quitting smoking. Therefore, the use of E-liquid is not in any way associated with the use of marijuana. It is a completely different substance as well as being advertised for a complete opposite usage.

Cigarettes are proven to be a cause of death, yet no scientist has come to find any proof as to if E-cigs or E-liquid will also. Do you ever wonder why that might be? If so, it’s because unlike cigarettes, the only proven carcinogen to be found in E-liquid is the nicotine itself. In which nicotine is even a stimulant, it is the same stimulant as caffeine. When it comes down to it, the answer is simple, no, there is absolutely no marijuana in E-cigarettes or Vaporizer Pens, there is a massive difference between E-liquid or Electronic Cigarettes and marijuana.

For more information, look at the page What is Vaping

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