Should There Be A Limit For Nicotine Levels?


There are people who start out vaping 24 nicotine and later on they figure out that it might be a little too much for them so then they lower down to maybe 18 nicotine then they keep going down, but how much nicotine is enough?

There are some companies that actually sell 36 nicotine or even 42 nic, I mean that should be illegal right?

People put themselves at risk everyday, but if they are trying to quit smoking they don’t want to be hooked even further so why on earth would anybody allow anyone to even vape 36 or 42, c’mon that is a little insane.

When beginners look for a first juice they don’t understand what the nicotine levels actually mean until they are a little more educated, most people think that since they were so addicted to cigarettes they are going to need the highest strength there is, that is not true, however, cigarettes only contain 1mg of nicotine per cigarette, so the appropriate level to be steady with is usually 12 nic or 6 nic. Those levels are about the equivalent to a cigarette without making you feel like crap from vaping too high of a level.

For the greater good of the vapers, there should be a limit to which the amount of nicotine someone uses is just inhumane. Nicotine is a harmful substance to inhale in such a high amount. So, if you vape 36 nic or 42 I highly suggest that you tone it down to maybe 18 nic or so you will feel much more comfortable there.

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